Product Care


Knitwear requires special care. Knitted Products can face spools and deformation problems. Acrylic is least susceptible to pilling. But even this fabric can get covered with spools while worn.

Proper care for knitwear helps keep your favorite clothing looking new and being in its original condition for a long time.

We recommend that you hand-wash knitwear at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees. Submerge the garment in the water and let it soak for about 5 minutes. Carefully rinse the garment in warm water. Do not rub.

Use warm water and mix it with some mild liquid soap. You can use special wool washing fluids.

When you’re done with rinsing, squeeze as much water as you can from the garment. Remember to not twist or wring the garment. This can cause a loss of elasticity and strength of the knit.

Never put a fine wool garment into a dryer/tumble dryer. Knitwear loses its shape and may shrink in size at too high a temperature.

Wrap the garment in a towel. Gently squeeze or wring the towel. Unwrap, lay it flat on a new towel and let it air dry in a cool place. Do not hang them on the hanger immediately after washing! If you hang them, then garments will lose their elasticity and strength.


Viscose is quite whimsical, so it needs careful and thorough care. If you want to keep its original condition, then you should follow all the rules of washing and ironing.

You should remember that viscose could not get washed in the washing machine, get wringed and ironed with a very hot iron at too high a temperature with a steaming function. Steam and splashes lead to the stains formation.

Thus, we recommend that you hand-wash the viscose clothes. If, however, the washing is carried out in the washing machine, then the mode should be delicate with the addition of appropriate delicate washing fluids.

We recommend that you check the information on the label /tag beforehand as the material usually consists of different fabrics types, and this can change the conditions of care. It is better to iron in the "silk" mode through a moist cloth.

Do not dry knitwear on heating appliances. Do not iron them with a hot iron.

Use a clean white cloth to iron the clothes through it, or gently steam the volume back to the Products.

We recommend that you check the information on the Product label / tag beforehand as the material usually consists of different fabrics types, and this can change the conditions of care.